The role of educational institutions, especially universities should not just be restricted to giving degrees, but also at the same time, focus on research, innovation, and inventions, Dr. T.R.Paarivendhar, Honourable MP, and Founder & Chancellor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, said on Monday. 

Research should benefit the world:

Presiding over the inaugural function of the International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices – AFMD 2024, Dr. Paarivendhar said that young researchers and scholars, ably assisted by faculty and their institutions should focus on productive research, and also in the process patent their inventions. He added that such fruitful research should benefit society, not just in India, but all over the world. 

He said it was a matter of great pride that SRM was the pioneer in introducing Nanotechnology as branch of specialisation, adding they invested about Rs. 50 crore on facilities and resources on Nanotechnology. Appreciating the Nanotechnology Research Centre of SRMIST for organising the conference on a grand scale with participation from some of the premier technical institutions the world over, Dr. Paarivendhar said 170 globally eminent scientists from 33 countries would be sharing their expertise. 

In his Inaugural Address, Dr. Ashish Lele, Director, National Chemical Laboratory, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, said advancements in material sciences had today spanned in different applications and advanced the functionality of materials, thereby getting incorporated in various devices. 

Stating that material science went hand in hand with human civilisation, Dr. Lele traced mankind’s experiments with various materials through stone, iron, and bronze ages. Nanotechnology, he said became very popular during the middle of the 29thcentury, and the next revolution, he added would be in the sphere of bio materials. The challenges ahead, he said would be its complete understanding and how engineers could synthesise these materials in the labs, considering complex issues in a sustainable and circular economy. 

Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered Cataraman launch:

Later in a brief chat with media on the sidelines of the conference, Dr. Lele said they would be launching India’s 1st fuel cell Cataraman prototype at Kochi Shipyard on Wednesday, 28 February – National Science Day. 

“We are very happy that India has taken a big bet on hydrogen. This is an area which is evolving, and we are very proud. We feel that hydrogen will be one of the solutions as it has its own niche area of applications. Whether it is refining, chemical, or fertiliser industries, replacing grey hydrogen emitting Co2 with Green Hydrogen with much less emissions is going to decarbonise important sectors. These are the first steps and the next step will be mobility.

“The catamaran that I talked about is green hydrogen’s fuel cell powered in the shipping sector, where India has tremendous potential for making and using hydrogen. We, along with an industry partner developed fuel cells which converts hydrogen and oxygen into electricity without burning it.  The fuel cell devices are much more efficient than any internal combustion engine and the only by-product is water and this is completely non-polluting. When this fuel cell is used to fit into vehicles including catamarans, or buses and trucks, that carry a lot of weight, they can drive longer.  These devices are extremely useful for long and heavy commercial transportation,” Dr. Lele added.

Dr. M.Navaneethan, Convenor, AFMD 2024, welcomed the gathering. Prof C.Muthamizhchelvan, Vice Chancellor, SRMIST, delivered his special address. Dr. Dinakar Kanjilal, Former Director, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, (IUAC), New Delhi, Guest of Honour, lauded SRM for hosting the international conference, adding that the institution’s programmes were creating a huge impact nationally and internationally. Dr. S.Ponnusamy, Registrar, also spoke. 

Dr. Kanjilal received the Lifetime Excellence Award on the occasion from Dr. Paarivendhar. Prof. D.K.Aswal, Director, Health Safety and Environment Group, BARC, Mumbai, and Prof. Kazuhiko Hara, Dean, Graduate School of Medical Photonics, Shizouka University, Japan, received the Outstanding Achievement Awards on the occasion. Dr. E.Senthil Kumar, Convenor, AFMD, 2024, thanked the gathering.

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