Research has been an integral part of humanity since the dawn of civilisation, and this spirit of seeking helped him survive and reach the current level of sophistication and technological advancements, Dr. P.Sathyanarayanan, Pro-Chancellor (Academics), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, said on Monday. 

Presiding over the 13th Annual Research Day celebrations at SRM IST at Kattankulathur on Monday, Dr. Sathyanarayanan said scholars should contribute to society and the nation through original research. “The government allocation to research from its GDP is low compared to Israel, South Korea, USA, and China. Until the 18th century, India was among the world’s top economies but suffered a setback. India’s economy is growing, and research funding is also rising with increasing Foreign Direct Investments. 

“The allocation to research in GDP is also on the rise, and the National Research Foundation, with an outlay of Rs. 50,000 crore, has been established. The hard-earned money of the country and its tax-payers is given to the scientific community directly to them or through institutions. We should know that this resource should be used for original research and innovation,” Dr. Sathyanarayanan said.

Research to benefit India:

He added that publishing papers and research work should not be taken up just for the sake of it or for promotions as required by AICTE, and the scientific fraternity should contribute to the nation’s development through original research. Dr. Sathyanarayanan said that the fraternity should dedicate themselves to research work that will be effective for society and relevant for people in their daily lives. He said research should not be restricted to Ph.D scholars alone and that it should percolate to everyone – including graduate students. 

In his address, Dr. Uday B.Desai, Vice President, Indian National Academy of Engineering and Chancellor, ICFAI( Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India), Dehradun, and Chancellor, Anurag University, Hyderabad, said technology had become all pervasive and people’ faces were captured and recorded in public places. Stating this would only increase in the years to come owing to more disruptive technologies playing an increasing role, he said that research, inventions, and innovations will be an integral part of our people’s lives.

While listing out some of the most important technologies that will cause a huge impact on people’s lives, Dr. Desai said that Generative Artificial Intelligence would govern future societies. Stating that this was causing a lot of worries among people, he recalled that there was similar resistance to computers in India when they emerged and began to be applied in offices and in daily work. 

Reacting to the proposals to establish semi-conductor fabrication labs in Gujarat, he said this technology, which at present was expensive, had now got a new lease of life. Nevertheless, it held tremendous potential, and there would be also a huge demand for skilled manpower in the days to come. 

Dr. Desai recalled that the Food and Drug Administration had recently approved CRISPR-based gene editing therapy using Cas9 technology to treat sickle cell diseases. It had to be studied in India, he said. He said that India has somehow been very slow on take-off, adding: “we debate, discuss, but don’t act, and get left behind.” 

Dr. Sathyanarayanan released a CD of the event proceedings and the first copy was received by Dr. Desai. On the occasion, Dr. Sathyanarayanan and Dr. Desai felicitated and awarded 26 scholars who had published their work in Nature Indexed Journals, 23 scholars who found mention in the top 2 % scientists’ list, and gold and silver medals to 124 students who won in competitions held in connection with Research Day celebrations. 

Dr. Lt. Col. A.Ravikumar, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Medical), delivered the welcome address. Prof. B. Neppolian, Dean Research, thanked the gathering. Prof C.Muthamizhchelvan, Vice Chancellor, Dr. S.Ponnusamy, Registrar, Prof. A.Vinay Kumar, Pro Vice-Chancellor (FSH, Management, Law) and Deans and Directors, were present on the occasion.

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